Schema Version: 1.3 Module: chado



Linking table between library and synonym.


Column Type Size Foreign Key Nullable Default Comments
library_synonym_id bigserial 19
synonym_id int8 19
synonym.synonym_id library_synonym_synonym_id_fkey C
library_id int8 19
library.library_id library_synonym_library_id_fkey C
pub_id int8 19
pub.pub_id library_synonym_pub_id_fkey C

The pub_id link is for relating the usage of a given synonym to the publication in which it was used.

is_current bool 1

The is_current bit indicates whether the linked synonym is the current -official- symbol for the linked library.

is_internal bool 1

Typically a synonym exists so that somebody querying the database with an obsolete name can find the object they are looking for under its current name. If the synonym has been used publicly and deliberately (e.g. in a paper), it my also be listed in reports as a synonym. If the synonym was not used deliberately (e.g., there was a typo which went public), then the is_internal bit may be set to "true" so that it is known that the synonym is "internal" and should be queryable but should not be listed in reports as a valid synonym.

Table contained -1 rows


Constraint Name Type Sort Column(s)
library_synonym_pkey Primary key Asc library_synonym_id
library_synonym_c1 Must be unique Asc/Asc/Asc synonym_id + library_id + pub_id
library_synonym_idx1 Performance Asc synonym_id
library_synonym_idx2 Performance Asc library_id
library_synonym_idx3 Performance Asc pub_id
