Schema Version: 1.3



A term, class, universal or type within an ontology or controlled vocabulary. This table is also used for relations and properties. cvterms constitute nodes in the graph defined by the collection of cvterms and cvterm_relationships.


Column Type Size Foreign Key Nullable Default Comments
cvterm_id bigserial 19
cv_id int8 19
cv.cv_id cvterm_cv_id_fkey C

The cv or ontology or namespace to which this cvterm belongs.

name varchar 1024

A concise human-readable name or label for the cvterm. Uniquely identifies a cvterm within a cv.

definition text 2147483647

A human-readable text definition.

dbxref_id int8 19
dbxref.dbxref_id cvterm_dbxref_id_fkey N

Primary identifier dbxref - The unique global OBO identifier for this cvterm. Note that a cvterm may have multiple secondary dbxrefs - see also table: cvterm_dbxref.

is_obsolete int4 10

Boolean 0=false,1=true; see GO documentation for details of obsoletion. Note that two terms with different primary dbxrefs may exist if one is obsolete.

is_relationshiptype int4 10

Boolean 0=false,1=true relations or relationship types (also known as Typedefs in OBO format, or as properties or slots) form a cv/ontology in themselves. We use this flag to indicate whether this cvterm is an actual term/class/universal or a relation. Relations may be drawn from the OBO Relations ontology, but are not exclusively drawn from there.

Table contained -1 rows


Constraint Name Type Sort Column(s)
cvterm_pkey Primary key Asc cvterm_id
cvterm_c1 Must be unique Asc/Asc/Asc name + cv_id + is_obsolete
cvterm_c2 Must be unique Asc dbxref_id
cvterm_idx1 Performance Asc cv_id
cvterm_idx2 Performance Asc name
cvterm_idx3 Performance Asc dbxref_id
