Schema Version: 1.3 Module:

Constraints 22 Tables

Table / View Referenced Foreign Keys Columns Type Comments
featuremap 8 1 4 Table
featuremap_contact 0 2 3 Table

Links contact(s) with a featuremap. Used to indicate a particular person or organization responsible for constrution of or that can provide more information on a particular featuremap.

featuremap_dbxref 0 2 4 Table
featuremap_organism 0 2 3 Table

Links a featuremap to the organism(s) with which it is associated.

featuremap_pub 0 2 3 Table
featuremapprop 0 2 5 Table

A featuremap can have any number of slot-value property tags attached to it. This is an alternative to hardcoding a list of columns in the relational schema, and is completely extensible.

featurepos 1 3 5 Table
featureposprop 0 2 5 Table

Property or attribute of a featurepos record.

featurerange 0 6 8 Table

In cases where the start and end of a mapped feature is a range, leftendf and rightstartf are populated. leftstartf_id, leftendf_id, rightstartf_id, rightendf_id are the ids of features with respect to which the feature is being mapped. These may be cytological bands.