Schema Version: 1.3 Module: chado.companalysis

Constraints 15

chado.companalysis Tables

Table / View Referenced Foreign Keys Columns Type Comments
analysis 11 0 10 Table

An analysis is a particular type of a computational analysis; it may be a blast of one sequence against another, or an all by all blast, or a different kind of analysis altogether. It is a single unit of computation.

analysis_cvterm 0 2 5 Table

Associate a term from a cv with an analysis.

analysis_dbxref 0 2 4 Table

Links an analysis to dbxrefs.

analysis_pub 0 2 3 Table

Provenance. Linking table between analyses and the publications that mention them.

analysis_relationship 0 3 6 Table
analysisfeature 1 2 7 Table

Computational analyses generate features (e.g. Genscan generates transcripts and exons; sim4 alignments generate similarity/match features). analysisfeatures are stored using the feature table from the sequence module. The analysisfeature table is used to decorate these features, with analysis specific attributes. A feature is an analysisfeature if and only if there is a corresponding entry in the analysisfeature table. analysisfeatures will have two or more featureloc entries, with rank indicating query/subject

analysisfeatureprop 0 2 5 Table
analysisprop 0 2 5 Table