Schema Version: 1.3 Module: chado.genetic

Constraints 29

chado.genetic Tables

Table / View Referenced Foreign Keys Columns Type Comments
environment 5 0 3 Table

The environmental component of a phenotype description.

environment_cvterm 0 2 3 Table
feature_genotype 0 4 7 Table
genotype 8 1 5 Table

Genetic context. A genotype is defined by a collection of features, mutations, balancers, deficiencies, haplotype blocks, or engineered constructs.

genotypeprop 0 2 5 Table
phendesc 0 4 6 Table

A summary of a set of phenotypic statements for any one gcontext made in any one publication.

phenotype_comparison 1 8 9 Table

Comparison of phenotypes e.g., genotype1/environment1/phenotype1 "non-suppressible" with respect to genotype2/environment2/phenotype2.

phenotype_comparison_cvterm 0 3 5 Table
phenstatement 0 5 6 Table

Phenotypes are things like "larval lethal". Phenstatements are things like "dpp-1 is recessive larval lethal". So essentially phenstatement is a linking table expressing the relationship between genotype, environment, and phenotype.